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Stats & Match History

Last Update: October 06

The CS dashboard located in the matchmaking sidebar provides detailed tracking of player performance and past match analysis.

Key Performance Metrics

(A scale shows your position relative to other players within your rank)

Match History

This section provides a detailed breakdown of each game the player played. This allows for a review of key information for each match, such as:


Displays the most-used weapons, usage distribution, and success with different weapons including detailed performance for each weapon.

ELO & Performance

Interactive graphs display the player's progression over time, including ELO changes, K/D ratio, kill/headshot ratio, and more. These graphs help to monitor trends and track improvements over a series of matches.


Displays most frequently played maps with detailed performance stats.

More Stats

Tracks overall career stats, including more than 15+ metrics like bomb plants/defuses, bombs defused, blinded enemies kills, total money earned, and many more.